I offer relaxed and friendly Dru yoga class where students are encouraged to listen to their bodies and their breath. Classes are small and tailored to the students abilities and needs. All bodies are welcome.
What is Dru Yoga?
Dru Yoga was developed n the UK about 40 years ago. (It is no new kid on the block!) but is only being taught in South Africa now. Dru Yoga has its roots in hatha yoga and includes classical yoga postures (asanas), pranayama (breath work), mudras (gestures), positive affirmations, empowering visualisations and powerful, flowing, dynamic sequences.
What is different about Dru?
You will find Dru Yoga more flowing than Hatha yoga and joints are kept soft, similar to Tai Chi. Classes will include a sequence or Energy Block Release which is intended to release, yes you guessed it – energy – that becomes trapped in our joints and spine. In fact Dru is known to help people with back problems. If you’re the ‘show me the evidence type’ it’s all here.
What does ‘Dru’ mean?
Dru comes from the Sanskrit word Dhruva, which refers to the stillnes that can be found in Dru Yoga. We often refer to the ‘Dru Point’ or still point that you find when you’re in a posture and everything is in alignment. If you feel you will never get to that spot because your body’s too creaky or cranky, we always offer modifications which still allow you the benefit of the posture and that stillness.
Find out more about Dru Yoga here
What about breath work?
Dru yoga focuses on coordinating breath with movement. Functional breathing is a passion of mine and I prefer to use the term breathing facilitator to breath coach, which has become popular. My focus is on bringing attention to correct breathing during yoga and to educate my students about functional breathing. Not all pranayama is suitable for all students therefore my focus is on functional breathing rather than breathing techniques. This can be offered as a separate class.

What some of my lovely students say!
I honestly feel like I found something that really
resonates with me.
~ Rookshana
You really are a fab teacher
and i love the whole thing
~ Biddi
“Dru yoga is new to me but I love it.
It builds strength at the same time as being
very calming and grounding.
Sandy is a great teacher.
It’s a highlight of my week!
~ Hannah