Jill Wenman

Meeting Sandy and discovering buteyko is proving to be a game-changer for me.I am 77 years old and for decades I have been on a bronchial dilator and suffered with congested sinuses and broken sleep. I have had four sessions with Sandy and have diligently put into practice the exercises she has given me. I have a long way to go, but even after 5 weeks, the results have been a life-changer. My sinuses are clear for the first time in living memory without having to resort to nasal sprays.My meditations are sharper and my sleep now unbroken. The anxiety around this asthmatic chest is also considerably reduced. I feel I have a ‘toolkit’ at my disposal and have come off my bronchial dilator.

This has given me the confidence to persevere with exercises that, initially, seemed difficult and even counter-intuitive!!